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The Dictionary:

Dictionnaire / Wörterbuch / Diccionario / 字典 / Dizionario / 辞書

This multi-language dictionary is intended to help those whose primary language is not English. Many of the words we use to describe features of boots are not in language dictionaries. Automatic translation services from online services such as Google and Bing often can't translate some of our descriptions because these terms are meaningful only when describing boots or leather and may have different meanings in other contexts.

So we have made this multi-language dictionary to help solve that problem.

We would like to especially thank Matthias Kottmeier for German translations and also for suggestions on additional terms to include in this dictionary.

If you are able to fill in some of the blanks, we welcome your input. Please send your comments, corrections, suggestions or translations to

Multilingual Dictionary of Boot Terminology

'Traduttore, traditore' !

Updated / Mise à jour / Aktualisiert / Actualizado / 更新 / Aggiornamento / 更新日
- 9 May, 2020 at 13:22 Pacific Daylight Time, San Diego, California USA -
- 2020/05/09 at 20:22 UTC / GMT -

English Remark français Deutsch Español 中文Chinese Italien 日本語Japanese
ankle cheville Knöchel tobillo 脚踝 caviglia 足首
arch arch of foot - heel measurement voûte plantaire Bogen/Fußrücken 足弓
bal-laced instep geschnürter Spann
belt ceinture Gürtel cinturón 腰带
boot hook device to help pull boots on tire-bottes Stiefelanzieher / Schuhhaken
boot jack device to help pull boots off retire-bottes Stiefelknecht ブーツジャック
boot toe bout Stiefelspitze 楦头
boot tongue languette Stiefellasche/-zunge
bootmaker bottier Schuhmacher 制靴者
boots bottes, chaussures Stiefel botas 靴子 stivali ブーツ
boot tree wooden form inserted into boot to preserve its shape embauchoirs Stiefelspanner / Schaftspanner / Schaftformer hormas 鞋楦
brass cuivre Messing latón 黄铜 真ちゅう
breeches culottes Reithosen
broken in boots boots which have been worn cassée eingetragene Stiefel
buckles boucle Schnallen hebilla 搭扣 バックル
calf thickest part of the lower leg mollet Wade 小腿 polpaccio ふくらはぎ
calfskin leather peau de veau Kalbsleder 小牛皮 子牛革
chaps chaps Chaps
circumference circonférence Umfang 圆周 circonferenza 円周
clothing vêtements Kleidung 衣服
cowhide leather peau de vache Rindsleder cuero 牛皮 牛革
custom made made to order fabriqué sur commande maßgearbeitet 定制 オーダーメイド
dress instep standard instep without laces on pull-on boots "Schlupf"einstieg
drop / settling nachgeben, sich setzen
equestrian équestre Reiter equitacion 骑师 equitazione 乗馬者
eyelets also see "holes" oeillet Ösen ojal 扣眼 ひも通しの穴
fireman pompier Feuerwehrmann bombero 消防队员 消防士
fit measure of how well boots conform to the foot Paßgenauigkeit 可身; 合脚
flat feet "pes planus" - feet with a low arch pied plat Plattfüße
floor sol Boden 地面
foot / feet pied / pieds Fuß / Füße piede / piedi 足; 脚 pie / pies
glove leather Handschuhleder
grain texture of leather surface grain Korn/Körnung/Narbung
gusseted tongue languette à soufflets eingenähte Lasche
harness harnais Gurtzeug 马具
heel heel of a shoe talon Absatz talón 鞋跟 tacco / calcagno かかと
heel heel of a foot talon Ferse talón 脚跟 tallone
height hauteur Höhe 高度 alyezza 高さ
hole also see "eyelets" trous loch agujeros 穿孔
horsehide cuir de cheval Pferdeleder 马皮 馬革
inch 2.54 cm pouce Zoll 英寸 インチ
inseam Entrejambe Schrittlänge inseam 内側の縫目
insole insole or shoe insert première semelle Einlegesohlen / Brandsohle plantilla 鞋垫 sottopiede / soletta 靴の中敷; インソール
instep of foot cou-de-pied Spann empeine 足の甲
instep of shoe 靴の甲
insulation isolement Isolation aislamiento 绝缘 断熱材
jacket veste Jacke chaqueta ジャケット
jeans Dungarees, blue jeans, denim jeans jeans Jeans 牛仔裤 ジーンズ
knee genou Knie rodilla 膝盖 ginocchio
laces laçage / lacets Schnürsenkel cordones 靴ひも
lacing hook see "boot hook" Senkelhaken(-niete)
last wooden or plastic form on which boot is built forme Leisten 靴型
leather cuir Leder piel pelle
length longueur Länge longitud 长度 lunghezza 長さ
lineman monteur de ligne Leitungsmonteur ラインマン
lining doublure Futter 裏地
logger / lumberjack forestier; bûcheron Holzfäller 伐木工人 木こり
made to measure fait sur mesure nach Maß gemacht / Maßarbeit 量身定制
measure (v) mesurer Messung / Maß longitud lunghezza 靴型
measuring tape tailor's tape ruban à mesurer Maßband cinta métrica 皮尺 nastro di misurazione 巻き尺
midsole garnissage Zwischensohle ミッドソール
motor patrol police motorcycle officer Motorpatrouille Motorradpolizist 骑警
motorcycle moto Motorrad motocicleta 摩托车 オートバイ
nickel nickel Nickel níquel
oil-tanned leather cuir gras mit Mineralöl gegerbtes Leder オイルレザー
padding rembourrage Polsterung 靴掖子 詰め物
pants / trousers pantalon Hose(n) pantalones 裤子 ズボン
polish boot polish or wax cirage Schuhcreme cera / betún 皮鞋油 lucido
police police Polizei policía 警察 警察
ready to wear prêt à porter Konfektion / von der Stange / bereit zu tragen confeccionados 准备穿 pronti プレタポルテ
roughout leather cuirs velours veloursleder cuero de ante 光滑皮革 pelle scamosciata
rubber caoutchouc Gummi caucho 橡胶 gomma ゴム
settling / drop nachgeben, sich setzen (fallen)
seam couture Naht 縫い目
shaft shaft of a boot tige Schaft tomaia? シャフト
shiny luisantes blank 光沢
size(s) taille Größe(n) 尺码 Misura サイズ
sleeve manche Ärmel 衣袖 そで
smooth leather cuir lisse glattleder cuero suave 光滑皮 pelle liscia スムーズレザー
snaps Druckknöpfe 摁扣儿 スナップボタン
socks bas Socken calcetines 袜子 calzini 靴下
sole outer sole - bottom of boot semelle extérieure Laufsohle plantas 鞋底 suole ソール
spur éperon Sporen espuelas 马刺 speroni
steel safety toe cap d'acier; bout acier Stahlkappe punta de acero 钢脚趾 in acciaio tep 鋼の安全性のつま先
steel shank cambrion d'acier Stahleinlage (im Absatz)
steel sole plate semelle anti perforation Stahlsohle
stitchdown sole durchgenähte Sohle
stock boots standard boots - no custom features prêts à porter, bottes en stock Stiefel auf Lager 现存
strap sangle Riemen 皮带 革ひも、ストラップ
sweat perspiration transpiration Schweiß sudoración 汗水 sudore
tailor's tape measuring tape ruban à mesurer Maßarbeit 捲尺
tanning tannage Gerben von Leder curtido de cuero 制革 concia delle pelli 革なめし
thread fil Faden 线
thigh cuisse (Ober) Schenkel 大腿
toe of foot orteil Zeh dedo del pie 脚的脚趾 dito del piede つま先
toe of boot bout Stiefelspitze puntera de la bota 开机的脚趾 punta dello stivale ブートつま先
toe cap Schuhkappe
tongue languette Lasche lengüeta linguetta 舌革
vamp boot upper covering forepart of the foot between the toe and ankle empeigne Vampe vampiro 鞋面 tomaia 羽ばたき
waterproof hydrofuge wasserdicht 耐水性 防水
width largeur Breite tallas 宽度 larghezza
zipper glissière Reißverschluß cremallera 拉链 cerniera ジッパー


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- All Rights Reserved - links welcomed -

Last edited 9 May, 2020 at 20:22 GMT / UTC / Zulu | 9 May, 2020 at 13:22 California / PST